Becoming a UnionPay Merchant

Please contact a UnionPay acquirers to get more details about accepting UnionPay. To learn more about their acquiring capabilities, contact one of the following companies, or visit their website for more information.

Acquirers providing UnionPay POS solutions:

Global Payments Canada


Moneris Solutions


TD Merchant Services


Bank of China (Canada) China UnionPay Acquiring Services

1-877-823-2288 or 905-771-2873

Industrial and Commercial Bank Of China (Canada)


First Data Canada


Elavon Canada (UnionPay credit card acceptance only)


Acquirers providing UnionPay eCommerce solutions:

Bank of China (Canada) China UnionPay Acquiring Services

1-877-823-2288 or 905-771-2873

Moneris Solutions


Code of Conduct Related

UPI's Process for Resolving Complaints Pertaining to the Code of Conduct

UPI has established a process for resolving complaints related to potential Code of Conduct violations. If you have a complaint about a particular element of the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry please follow the steps:

1 If you are a UPI merchant, please contact the UPI Acquirer that processes your UnionPay transactions. If you are a UnionPay cardholder, please contact your issuer. These entities must be contacted initially and are generally the best equipped to resolve a complaint.

2 If Step 1 does not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, please complete the Code of Conduct Complaint Form. Please ensure that all information requested is provided. This form will be sent to Canada Office of UPI, who will investigate the complaint and attempt to resolve it.
Code of Conduct Complaint Form

3 If Step 2 does not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, you may also contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).
For service in English: 1-866-461-3222
For service in French: 1-866-461-2232
For calls from outside Canada: 613-960-4666
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
427 Laurier Ave. West, 5th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9

La Procedure de UPI pour Gerer les Plaintes liees au Code de Conduite

UPI a une procedure pour gerer les plaintes liees a de potientielles violations du Code de Conduite. Si vous avez une plainte concernant un element particulier du Code de Conduite de l'industrie des Cartes de Credit et Cartes de Debit , suivez les etapes suivantes:

1 Si vous etes un vendeur UPI, veuillez contacter l’agent UPI qui s’occupe de vos transactions avec UnionPay Si vous etes detenteur de la carte UnionPay, veuillez contacter le service qui a emis votre carte Vous devez au prealable contacter ces entitees car elles sont generalement les plus a memes pour gerer une plainte

2 Si l’Etape 1 ne vous satisfait pas, veuillez completer le formulaire de plainte du Code de Conduite Veuillez fournir toute information demandee Ce formulaire sera envoye a Canada Office of UPI, qui gerera le probleme et essaiera de le resoudre Formulaire de plainte du Code de Conduite

3 Si l'étape 2 ne résout pas votre plainte à votre satisfaction, vous pouvez également contacter l'Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada (ACFC).
Téléphone :
Service en anglais : 1-866-461-3222
Service en français : 1-866-461-2232
Pour les appels depuis l'extérieur du Canada : 613-960-4666
E-mail : [email protected]
Adresse postale :
Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada
427, avenue Laurier Ouest, 5e étage
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9

Interchange Fee - Canada

Concept: Every time a UnionPay Card is used, members of UnionPay International Co., Ltd. (UPI) remit or receive an interchange reimbursement fee (Interchange).

1. Interchange

UPI's current Interchange structure includes rates that vary by acceptance region, transaction type, card type, card level and merchant category. The goal of UPI in setting such fee rate is to ensure wide-spread issuance and acceptance of UnionPay Cards.

Current Interchange rate for transactions captured in UnionPay network in Canada is as follows:

Transaction Type & MCCs Interchange - Acquirer Pays Issuer
POS Transactions 1.1%
E-Commerce Transactions Airlines(4511,3000-3350), Education(8211,8220,8241,8244,8249,8299) 1.15%
Other MCCs 1.2%
QRC-based Transactions Daily-consumed MCCs Per Transaction Amount ≤USD 140 0.55%
Per Transaction Amount >USD 140 Subject to UPI Pricing Scheme for POS transaction
Other MCCs
Recurring 1.1%
MO/TO 1.5%

2. Service Fee

UPI's current Service Fee structure includes rates that vary by acceptance region, transaction type and merchant category.

All transactions acquired in Canada, the service fee paid by Acquirers are shown as follows:

Transaction Type & MCCs Service Fee - Acquirer Pays UPI
POS Transactions 0.1%
E-Commerce Transactions Airlines(4511,3000-3350), Education(8211,8220,8241,8244,8249,8299) 0
Other MCCs 0.2%
QRC-based Transactions Daily-consumed MCCs Per Transaction Amount ≤USD 140 0.05%
Per Transaction Amount >USD 140 Subject to UPI Pricing Scheme for POS transaction
Other MCCs
Recurring 0.1%
MO/TO 0.1%


1. POS Transactions include both contact and contactless transactions.

2.Regarding QRC-based Transactions, the concessionary pricing only applies to consumer card. Please refer to the appendix for daily-consumed MCCs list. [daily consumed MCC]